Clàradh airson na sgoil-araich | Enrolling for the nursery class
Bidh an sgoil-àraich a’ gabhail clann bho aois trì. Faodaidh sibh ainm pàiste a chur sìos airson àite san sgoil-àraich le bhith tadhail aig oifis na sgoile.
The nursery class takes pupils from the age of three. The City of Edinburgh Council nursery admissions form can be downloaded here. Please return completed forms to the school office.
Clàradh airson C1 | Enrolling for P1
All Edinburgh primary schools will be open on Thursday 2nd November 2023 for prospective P1 families to visit. Taobh na Pàirce’s open day session times are 9:30 to 10:30 and 13:30 to 14:30. We look forward to welcoming you.
Please see the following link for information about P1 in City of Edinburgh Council schools: Information for Parents P1.
Clàradh airson clasaichean eile | Enrolling for other classes
Airson sgoilearan c2-7 a chlàradh, tadhail aig oifis na sgoile. Thathar a’ sùileachadh gum bi clann a tha tighinn thugainn aig na h-ìrean seo comasach Gàidhlig a chleachdadh ann an suidheachadh ionnsachaidh.
To enrol pupils for P2-7, please contact the school office. It is expected that children joining us at these stages will be competent Gaelic speakers and can use Gaelic in a learning environment.