A school dress code helps pupils feel a strong sense of belong and commitment to the school. It improves security and can create a sense of purpose within the school environment.

If you have any queries related to school uniform then please send an email to admin@taobhnapairce.edin.sch.uk

To find out whether your child qualifies for Help with Schoolwear please follow this link: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20183/food_and_clothing/392/free_school_meals_and_help_with_schoolwear

Deise sgoile/School Uniform:

  • White polo shirt / White shirt
  • Navy sweatshirt (c.1-6) / Turquoise hooded top (c.7 only) / Navy jumper or cardigan
  • Navy, grey or black trousers or joggers
  • Navy, grey or black pinafore or skirt /    Blue gingham dress /    Holyrood tartan kilted skirt
  • Holyrood tartan tie
  • Navy, black, grey or white tights/socks
  • Book bag
  • Backpack

Please note that this is a menu of options and that any combination of the above is acceptable.

Nìthean le bràiste/Badged items (sweatshirts, bags, polo shirts etc.)

These are available from Super Logo, who offer an online ordering system for parents where items can be ordered and delivered to any UK mainland address for £3.95. From their homepage you will find the link to our page under ‘Schools/Club Shops’.

Fèileadh agus taidh Holyrood / Holyrood kilted skirt and tie

School kilted skirts are available from Stevensons in their Stenhouse shop or through their website.

School ties are ordered through the school office (admin@taobhnapairce.edin.sch.uk). No orders or payments for other items of uniform should be sent to the school.