
Through consultation with our staff, parents and pupils we refreshed our school values last session.

  • Urram
  • Coibhneas
  • Coimhearsnachd

At Assembly and through our Health and Wellbeing curriculum we engage with pupils about these behaviours and strive as a community to live our values.

Siostam Taighean na Sgoile

There are four houses in our school community: Leodhas, Na Hearadh, Uibhist and Barraigh. Each pupil is assigned a house at the start of C1 and they will remain in that house all the way through to the end of C7. Our House System helps us to drive forward our school values and it is a firm part of our school ethos.

Pupil Council is a central part of our Values and House System. Cabadaich Còmhla is held weekly in classes. Each Class Pupil Rep reports back on the issues (good and bad) that are topical in their class at our weekly Pupil Council Meeting. Out of our Pupil Council came the suggestion for a rewards trip for classes shown to be upholding our school values over a number of weeks, lines are a very visible example of this.

The Values and House System have been noted for “promoting a motivated, calm, inclusive and happy atmosphere” within the school.

City of Edinburgh Supported Self Evaluation visit in January 2024

Our rewards system

  • Gaisgeach na Gaidhlig – making an effort to speak Gaelic, improving your Gaelic, exemplary Gaelic. Chosen weekly by class teacher.
  • Sgoilear na Seachdain – making an effort, being a model pupil, chosen weekly by class teacher.
  • Bord Oir – an exceptional piece of work, chosen fortnightly by class teacher.
  • Leantainn ar Luachan – living our values, acts of these. Nominated fortnightly by pupils in each class.