Fàilte dhan làrach lìn againn! Lorgaidh sibh fiosrachaidh feumail mun sgoil anns na clàran suas gu h-àrd.
Welcome to our school website! You will find useful information in the menus above and on each page.
- Airson fiosrachaidh mun luchd-obrach agus polasaidhean na sgoile, seall air Ar Sgoil. | For information about the staff and school policies, take a look at Our School.
- Airson fiosrachaidh pragtaigeach agus ceangailean ri formaichean feumail, seall air Oifis na Sgoile. | For practical information and links to useful forms, take a look at School Office.
- Airson faicinn na tha sinn air a bhith a’ dèanamh anns na clasaichean, seall air na Learning Journals. | To see what we’ve been up to in class, take a look at Learning Journals.
- Airson ceanglaichean gu goireasan cuideachail airson teaghlaichean le clann an GME, seall air Goireasan. | For useful links to resources for GME families, see Resources.
- Latha mu dheireadh den teirm / Last day of termDùinidh an sgoil aig 12f air an 20mh, chan e aig an ùine àbhaisteach (12:20 no 12:30). School will close at 12pm on the last day of term, earlier than the usual Friday time.
- Miosachan is Tachartasan na NollaigeTha tòrr tachartasan againn aig an àm seo den bhliadhna, cùm sùil a-mach airson dè tha dol aig https://www.taobhnapairce.co.uk/miosachan/ There is lots going on at this time of year, keep track of our events at https://www.taobhnapairce.co.uk/miosachan/
- CEC C1 Open Day for Prospective ParentsDear Parents/Carers All City of Edinburgh Council Primary Schools are expected to have their P1 Open Day sessions on Wednesday 6th November 2024. Our sessions will run 09:15-10:15 and again 13:45-14:45. We will follow the usual format with a talk from the Acting Head Teacher regarding the school and GME. Followed by school tours with C7 pupils. … Read more: CEC C1 Open Day for Prospective Parents